Themed Pick up lines

The best Themed pick up lines

Let's go on a date themed after the WSB stocks

We can catch a movie at AMC, swing by Gamestop, and then get Naked
📅︎ Jan 31
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(Late) Valentine’s Day themed pickup lines

1. If you had to choose one Valentine’s Day gift to receive, what would it be? 2. Let’s settle this debate: candy hearts, terrible or the absolute worst? 3. Russell Stover and come over? 4. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 ^ some flowers for you on this fine Valentine’s Day 5. Ideal Valentine’s Day dinner menu? 6. Right from the start you stole my heart. Lol, I took that from a Hallmark card…What’s up? 7. What’s your best Valentine’s Day pickup line? (Yes, this is mine.) 8. If I were to give you a Valentine, it’d be a picture of Simon Cowell that says, “It’s a yes from me” 9. *read in life alert lady voice* Help! I’ve fallen for you, and I can’t get up. 10. If you were a candy heart, what would you say? 11. I spent all night making you a Valentine. When are you free so I can give it to you? 12. Fuck, marry, kill: candy hearts, chocolate-covered strawberries, very expensive and subpar Valentine’s Day dinners 13. Hey, kinda awkward but I think my Valentine got lost in the mail? 14. You can only choose one cheesy and awful Valentine’s Day pickup line. Choose wisely: A. This Valentine’s Day, let’s make like fabric softener and Snuggle. B. Cupid called. He says that he needs my heart back. C. You’re so sweet, you could put Hershey’s out of business. D. None, but you’re funny and original. Let’s get a drink.
👤︎ u/KPA-15
📅︎ Feb 15
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Mad Max themed lines?

Title says all
👤︎ u/xandriaaa
📅︎ Jun 06
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(New year themed) Is your face times square?

Because I want to drop my balls on it at midnight.
👤︎ u/yesss69
📅︎ Dec 31
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Does anyone know any Titanic-themed pickup lines? The worse the better.

If she rolls her eyes or goes 'that was terrible' or something along those lines it could be followed up with: 'huh, turns out that the titanic sucks as an icebreaker.'
📅︎ Nov 16
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Comment your BEST pickup lines

Ps I'm the wingman and need birthday themed pickup lines to help a friend get in or get slapped whatever
📅︎ Jan 30
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Pick up line about rain?

Need a rain themed pick up line (rain/raindrops/etc). Preferably not too dirty, but I'm not picky. Cringy works well!
📅︎ Sep 01
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